Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Pacific Puddle Jumpers

There was a cool going away party for the Jumpers atop the La Cruz Yacht Club at the Sky bar. Philo and his band showed up and Banjo Andy got in the mix. It was great fun even though it got cloudy and chilly. But with a little dancing and some munchies we all got warmed up quickly.

I (along with many others) was surprised to see how many people with kids are doing the jump. Some families had three youngsters none over nine. There was even a family with two boys aged maybe twelve or thirteen going along with two adult boxer dogs! That is a lot of mouths to feed. Crazies.

Hopefully soon we will head in that same direction. We know a few people going this year and people like Capricorn Cat and possibly Snowgoose that plan to make the jump next year. Mexico might just be a little lonelier without those familiar faces, but I am sure we can up our game to make up for the lost mischief.


Unknown said...

I encourage you to do the Puddle Jump next year - and I'll meet you in Tahiti! :)

Minx said...

What you don't want to crew and do watches?! ;)